Monday, May 25, 2020

Symbolism In Joseph Conrads Heart Of Darkness - 805 Words

Joseph Conrad’s novella, Heart of Darkness, contains many symbols that connect to themes within it. Heart of Darkness incorporates the symbols of light and dark to develop the idea that society and characters, like Kurtz, contribute to the darkness of their society. Conrad’s different observations of the effect that nature can have on the characters and society within the novel, primarily focus on how something light and desirable can prove to bring out the ugliest aspects of humanity or cause significant discomfort. Conrad also demonstrates this with the corruption of his character Kurtz, an initially philanthropic and talented company employee who has a twisted lust for ivory and who commits horrible acts in it’s pursuit. Conrad shows†¦show more content†¦Marlow’s response is that, â€Å"Sunlight can made to be lie† (Conrad 58). Marlow does not completely want to tell the intended that Kurtz was an awful man, but does explain through the symbol of sunlight, he is referring to Kurtz’s outside persona as the sunlight. His meaning of the â€Å"sunlight can be made to lie† means that even though his fiance thought he was a great person, there was always a hidden darkness inside of Kurtz. Kurtz having the darkness inside him contributes to the idea that the society of Heart of Darkness is dark due to the corruption it’s people face from their environment. The society depicted by conrad uses different symbols of light and darkness in Heart of Darkness to show the hollow nature of the society the protagonist encounters throughout the novel. While the narrator is sailing upstream early in the novella, Conrad writes â€Å"When the sun rose there was a white fog very warm and clammy, and more blinding than the night† (Conrad 65). This quotation compares the white fog to an illusion of some sort. The fog, from a distance, likely seems very aesthetically pleasing and is most importantly for our purposes entirely white. Conrad uses this white fog as a traditional symbol of the good in society since white is a symbol of purity. The fact that the fog has an smothered the dark night shows that how even something that outwardly seems pure and light can have a treacherous, harmful aspect to it when one ventures within. This is largely symbolic ofShow MoreRelatedSymbolism Of The River In Joseph Conrads Heart Of Darkness1091 Words   |  5 PagesCharles Marlow in the novella Heart of Darkness written by Joseph Conrad. Heart of Darkness is read from the narration of Marlow, an ivory transporter who travels down the Congo. Throughout his journey, Marlow develops an intense interest in the famous ivory trader Kurtz, who is portrayed as a powerful, sage, and evil man. 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