Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Importance Of Self Improvement And The Value Of Education

The importance of self-improvement and the value of education A person is not defined by their past and the mistakes that they have made. They are defined by what obstacles they have gone through and overcome in order to grow into the person that they are today. Without struggle, there is no progress. No one can self-improve unless they are willing and able to overcome the challenges of life. Two important morals in my life are : always making the room to self-improve, and valuing my education. Through my American story, I plan to share how I learned to appreciate the meaning of education, and the importance of improving and bettering myself. Guest presentations and readings of other American’s narratives this semester, such as the presentation by David Delizza, Gary Shtyengart’s novel Super Sad True Love Story, â€Å"The Narrative of Frederick Douglass†, and â€Å"The chicken in the hen house† by David Sedaris, all have made a further emphasis on aspects relevant to my life and my own story as an American. David D elizza, one of our guest speakers, provided excellent advice on the topics of self-improvement and education. In David’s opinion, education and self-improvement are extremely important, and are two factors that have helped him to accomplish many goals in life. When David was placed on academic probation in college due to his low GPA, his school asked him to remove himself from the program. He said no and set out to prove them wrong. 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