Thursday, December 19, 2019

Women Of The Classical Music - 1086 Words

Globalization throughout time in a variety of music genres can be seen especially with the role of gender in musical idioms. This can particularly be seen through the role, or the unfortunate lack thereof, of women in music. Three main genres that I noticed the effect of women vs men roles is in the classical music/composers, jazz, and country. In these three genres, women were primarily put on the back burner for quite some time. As the times have past, women’s role in these fields have developed by a lot. Some of these developments include making history in their respective genres, having all women groups/bands, and so much more. Unfortunately, despite all of the progress that has been made for women as composers, in jazz, and in country music, society still has quite the way to go before women will be treated and viewed equally with men. The role of women in classical music and as composers was neglected for a really long time. This rejection began in the Renaissance (circa the fifteenth and sixteenth century) when women were not allowed to sing in the church. Rather than exposing the beauty behind the voice of women, men were to undergo a castration in order to preserve their soprano voices. Fortunately, women did have some musical freedom during this time. In madrigal groups, women were included but there were not many other opportunities for women outside of that during this time. Following this time period, women continued to struggle a great amount in theShow MoreRelatedThe Classical Music Of The Modern Era1465 Words   |  6 Pagesare all famous classical composers from the six different eras of music. The music scene has always been male dominated from the composers to the performers. 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