Thursday, December 19, 2019

Women Of The Classical Music - 1086 Words

Globalization throughout time in a variety of music genres can be seen especially with the role of gender in musical idioms. This can particularly be seen through the role, or the unfortunate lack thereof, of women in music. Three main genres that I noticed the effect of women vs men roles is in the classical music/composers, jazz, and country. In these three genres, women were primarily put on the back burner for quite some time. As the times have past, women’s role in these fields have developed by a lot. Some of these developments include making history in their respective genres, having all women groups/bands, and so much more. Unfortunately, despite all of the progress that has been made for women as composers, in jazz, and in country music, society still has quite the way to go before women will be treated and viewed equally with men. The role of women in classical music and as composers was neglected for a really long time. This rejection began in the Renaissance (circa the fifteenth and sixteenth century) when women were not allowed to sing in the church. Rather than exposing the beauty behind the voice of women, men were to undergo a castration in order to preserve their soprano voices. Fortunately, women did have some musical freedom during this time. In madrigal groups, women were included but there were not many other opportunities for women outside of that during this time. Following this time period, women continued to struggle a great amount in theShow MoreRelatedThe Classical Music Of The Modern Era1465 Words   |  6 Pagesare all famous classical composers from the six different eras of music. The music scene has always been male dominated from the composers to the performers. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Effective Entrepreneurship Helps in Achieving Success

Question: Compare and contrast different types of entrepreneurial ventures? Answer: Introduction The effective entrepreneurship helps in achieving success for the new featured business entities. The entrepreneurs are the ones who formulate the efficient business plans with the help of integrated resources. Guivarch Hallegatte (2013) described that the entrepreneurs lead the company towards either success or failure. This study will evaluate the success entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg, who is known as the co-founder of Facebook and Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks. The description of their business planning will be explored in a structured manner. Main Ideas: The main ideas of Mark Zuckerberg while establishing the features in Facebook, the focus, is to establish the relationship between the people through the direct connection in social networking sites (Bygrave Zacharakis, 2011). In the implementation of the online ratings and the online comments, profiles for uploading pictures, sharing updates will be considering the perspectives of the people from different locations, countries, communities, etc. On the other hand, Howard Schulz is the CEO of Starbucks Coffee, and the concentration of the company is to provide good quality coffee along with such feasible meals for the customers who are visiting the stores. The employees are trained in a skilled manner, and they will be much skilled for treating the customers with better hospitalities (Mutara, 2012). One of the most relevant ideas that Howard Schulz has presented is to give rise to the global brand of Coffee. Evidences To make the features of Facebook more attractive to the users, Mark Zuckerberg has introduced the safety app for securing the login in Facebook. The users feel safer and secure about the password they have set for their profiles. The innovation of the Facebook Messenger has reached 600 million users these days, and the number is still increasing (Schneider, 2013). The new featured applications are providing the securities to the uploaded pictures, updates sharing and other personal stuff. In the year of 2006, Mark Zuckerberg introduced the features, and this innovation is highlighting the mini-blogging, different notes. This allows the users from different other social networking sites as well. In 2007, Mark Zuckerberg introduced the features of tagging and posting the attachments. In case of the Starbucks Coffee, Howard Schulz has implemented a new system in the costing structure. The company offers $1-per-cup for basic brew and even several other interesting coffee beverages. The new espresso coffee, iced coffee, cappuccino, etc. have gathered the interest of the customers in these days. Howard Schulz is even concentring upon the comfortable ambiances by keeping the places enlightened, clean and spacious. The most changes found in maintaining the business and the transparent relationship building with the employees (Roy, 2011). The efficient training session provided to the employees and the proper relationship maintaining is working as the driven forces for assuring productivity as well as the profitability for the company. Analysis With the implementations of such features, Mark Zuckerberg has earned the profitability in a quite prominent manner. The implementations of such innovations into the Facebook features have gained the support of 1.26 billion users. Facebook derives almost 3.2 billion likes per days from these registered users. The iOS app is applied in the case of using the Facebook from IPhones. It has increased the economic profitability since the users can easily access Facebook from their mobile phones. It has been seen that in the year of 1994, the store of Starbucks reached the amount of 425 stores (Oncioiu, 2012). The amount increased to 2,200 in the year of 1998. After two years, the company earned the profitability of $2 billion. Howard Schulz could easily achieve the turnover rates, which derived the relevant resources used for the training costs and costs of the other adaptations. Link The sources for deriving ideas about such technicalities, which are needed to be implemented for presenting the business establishments, are significant enough for concerning the relevant ideas about the entrepreneurship. Mark Zuckerberg has derived the ideas about the implementations of the relevant apps and technicalities for connecting people worldwide while Howard Schulz is concentring upon the CSR rules for maintaining the business sustainability. The proper evaluation of such linking derived from the study will be enhancing the relevant integration process while starting up a new business. The amendments of the technicalities are ensuring the successful entrepreneurship. Conclusion The entire study is evaluating the necessity of the structured plan and the amendments while starting up the new entrepreneurship. The information derived from the business structure and ideas of top entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg and Howard Schulz have been much identified and significant for establishing the business entity and leading towards the success. References Books Bygrave, W. Zacharakis, A. (2011). Entrepreneurship. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Roy, R. (2011). Entrepreneurship. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Journals Guivarch, C. Hallegatte, S. (2013). 2C or not 2C?.Global Environmental Change, 23(1), pp.179-192. Mutara, L. (2012). An entrepreneur first and foremost.Br Dent J, 212(6), pp.259-259. Oncioiu, I. (2012). An Outline of the Concept of Entrepreneur: Tradition and Modernity.Research in Applied Economics, 4(3). Schneider, M. (2013). Developing Your Inner Entrepreneur.Organization Management Journal, 10(2), pp.151-151.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Regulate And Reform Euthanasia Essays - Euthanasia, Medical Ethics

Regulate and Reform Euthanasia One of the landmark cases that involve euthanasia is that of Karen Ann Quinlan. Quinlan, a twenty-one year old New Jersey resident, overdosed on pills and alcohol in 1975. She was rushed to the hospital where her physical condition gradually deteriorated to a vegetative state. The doctors determined she had no chance of recovery. Before the coma Karen said that if anything ever happened that would leave her physically and mentally incompetent, without any chance of recovery, she would not want to be kept alive by "extraordinary medical procedures," notes Derek Humphry. Karen's parents sought religious counsel from their priest. They were told that the Catholic religion allows the removal of extraordinary care if the patient was in a terminal condition. Karen's parents requested she be removed from the respirator. The hospital denied their request. The Quinlans then directed their request to the court. The superior court denied their request. They took their request to the New Jersey Supreme court where the decision was reversed. Karen was removed from the respirator. To everyone's surprise, Karen began breathing on her own and lived another ten years (Humphry 107). The Quinlan case brought to the forefront patients' desire to die a proud, quiet death. It also brought to the forefront the complications caused by the advancement of medical technology ("Euthanasia"27). Euthanasia has been practiced in Eastern and Western culture since the beginning of civilization. The capability of medical technology to extend life (as demonstrated by the Quinlan case) has made the issue of euthanasia more complicated. Individuals should be allowed to "die with dignity" in the event of terminal illness if he or she wants it. Terminating a patient's life is much more merciful than allowing him or her to die a slow painful death from illness. Those who oppose legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide say that this could lead to involuntary killing of the aged and infirm. I agree that there may be danger of abuse and that the vulnerable need to be protected; therefore, I support passing legislation that monitors and regulates physician assisted suicide. The demand for legislation in support of legalized euthanasia for the terminally ill has been an issue since the beginning of the century. According to Derek Humphry in Ohio in 1906, a Bill proposing to legalize euthanasia was presented to the Ohio legislature. The bill was defeated by nearly 80% of those voting. Opponents said the bill would have presented away for doctors to cover up their mistakes. Opponents also say that the bill would have provided a means for families to get rid of relatives who were a nuisance and give fortune seekers a shortcut to inheritance. Although the bill was defeated, the idea it generated still lives on (Humphry 12). Opponents of euthanasia often refer to the atrocities and attitudes in Nazi Germany for reasons not to support euthanasia. An article in the Progressive describes the essay "Permitting the Destruction of Unworthy Life" written in Germany in 1920, by Alfred Hoche. In the essay he proposes getting rid of the "'dead weight existence of incurables in Germany.'" By "'incurable'" he meant those who were mentally and emotionally disabled (Who 34). When the Nazis took power in Germany in 1933, as explained in "Euthanasia and the Third Reich" an article in HISTORY TODAY, they took Alfred Hoche's concept of euthanasia and used it to rationalize sterilization of those with "hereditary" illnesses. They also used the "euthanasia programme" to kill mentally and physically handicapped children and adults. Eventually they used this policy as justification for killing Jews, homosexuals, and others (Burleigh 11). Many believe that this kind of murder can happen again if euthanasia is legalized. However, the senseless, atrocious killings in Germany cannot be compared to carefully regulated policies that will allow euthanasia in selective cases. Such an extreme comparison should not prevent a merciful euthanasia policy for the terminally ill in unbearable pain who request it. As people began forgetting World War II and the atrocities of Nazi Germany, interest in "assisted suicide" and euthanasia was restored. To understand the controversy of euthanasia and assisted suicide, one must understand the difference between the two terms. Euthanasia involves the administering of the life taking measure; whereas, assisted suicide provides the means or instructions to the patient who intends to kill him or herself. Physicians who are used to saving lives are being asked to end patients lives. The request for "death with dignity" is very popular. In a 1991 Gallop Poll, nearly 60 percent of those interviewed said that a person has the "moral right" to end his or her life when the person "has a